Thursday, October 24, 2019

Disney Used the Public Domain to Become Huge but . . .

I've written about this before. Disney used works in the public domain to become a huge corporation. Here's just a few of their stories which were based on books from the public domain:

Peter Pan - 1904
Snow White - 1857
Sleeping Beauty - 1697
Frozen - 1845 (Ice Queen)

The list goes on and on.

So what? The public also benefited from this.

The problem is in 1998 Disney was one of the main factors behind the copyright laws being extended so their own works would not enter the public domain? Who knows how many more terrific stories the public has missed out on due to this corporate greed?

Read this article about Disney movies based on works from the public domain.

Disney took and reused content from the public domain and then set about making sure others couldn't do the same. Disney is not the family oriented company they have led you to believe.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Youtube Copyright Claims Not Always Valid

This gets confusing. I've uploaded public domain videos and got copyright claims. When I've followed the process to protest the claims, I haven't yet got a reply generally the claim was removed.

However, I got one on a Dragnet film I just uploaded. I know it's in the public domain but not sure if the well known "Dum da dumdum" music is copyright or not.

It would be nice if Youtube would let you know.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

New Publications Ready to Enter Public Domain

This is a heads up. In January of 2020 new publications and material from the year 1924 will enter the public domain. I will be doing some research to try to find out what might be of interest to you.

This year Felix the Cat was among the new public domain additions.

There has been considerable interest recently in public domain materials so my plans are to begin adding more information. One of the public domain videos that has drawn a lot of interest on my YouTube channel is Dragnet.